Ana Morodan 2014
Last year I visited one of Hamid Nicola Katrib‘s latest interior design works. Today, please allow me to introduce you to another exceptional interior design signed by the handsome bachelor (ladiesss #wink).
A? What do you think? Although you know that I’m more fond of French like interiors I must say that I was truly impressed by this futuristic loft. I can say it without being eulogistic – this interior design work signed by Hamid Nicola Katrib was featured in German, French, Italian, Vietnamese and England interior design magazines and sites– this loft has this special vibe of serenity and peace just like all of Hamid‘s works do, exactly like a real home should have!
In the spirit of soon inaugurating a new home (stay tuned for a new awesome project)and among other things, I asked Hamid a few questions about certain matters. Take a look below
Where do you find inspiration?
As an artist, my visual side is very sensitive and aware, so any beautiful thing that catches my attention inspires me and gives a certain feeling of happiness, it could be a beautiful tree, a nice building or a beautifully colored sky!
What motivates you?
1. The will of always doing something new, to create the pleasant&unexpected for people who cannot do it themselves.
2. The passion and commitment I have to my job because I am grateful&lucky for loving my work, this is always motivating.
3. I am not a hypocrite! The financial reward is also motivating!
Name five must have things that you would use if you would decorate a house for me
1. Mirrors everywhere, so you can see yourself gracefully roaming everywhere!! J
2. A big wall covered in a nicely sculpted wooden library, you are an intellectual after all, so what would your house mean without one?
3. Half your house’s area would be dedicated to your dressing room, I see it more like a mini boutique exquisitely arranged and full of color!
4. A self standing oval shaped bathtub in the middle of the bathroom. After all you know, Cleopatra’s beauty secrets were mostly related to her bathing rituals!
5. A nice big crystal chandelier, or lets say as many of them as your home can handle, glam and shiny runs into your veins!
I think that the most important thing about being an architect and interior decorator is the ability of understanding and looking at what you want with the same eyes as your client. Even if that client looks at things in a twisted manner.
Well, obviously Hamid is an architect who does that with a genius touch!
Click here for the article